Two Kind Of Poets

I went to a town of happiness and met two kind of people.

One who would count the number of steps it would take to reach the point where they could see the sunrise. They would scream at each other, argue a lot and hurt each other’s heart  with cursed words. On reaching the point they would forget about the sunrise.

The other one would smile and tell each other stories. Stories full of joy, love and laughter. As they would move along they would often greet the strangers. On reaching the point they would sit comfortably and enjoy the glimpse of sunrise.


I went to a town of poets and met two kind of poets.

One who would talk about rhymes, meters and rules of poetry. They would argue, get jealous and poke at each other’s mistakes. They would often forget about poetry.

And the other one who would……

I am always happy to meet you.